work with us

bog bodies press also works in the fields of teaching and consultation around what we consider vital - community publishing, creating space for telling the stories often sidelined and fostering subversive methods of publication-making (from audio transcriptions to grammar-avoidance to direct translations and beyond).

some examples of workshops/talks/courses we’ve designed are as follows:
- collective publishing power: amplifying and archiving a myriad of voices through community publishing
- unauthored: creating anomalous bodies of text for publication

we’ve curated a library of references for the exhibition ‘(de)fault surfaces’ in eindhoven, bootlegging sections of the texts as acts of spontaneous and decentralised learning during the show.

if you feel like the topics we engage with could be of interest to you or your community, send us an email at and we’d be very happy to discuss tailoring one of our existing programmes or collaborating on the development of a new one.